Dust mites do not thrive in low humidity environments. Use a humidifier in your home. Set the humidity at a level lower than 50%. This will drive the dust mites away. Dust mites do not drink. They have to find alternative sources of absorbing moisture. When the humidity is too low the environment for them becomes too arid.
Get rid of steam after bathing, cooking etc:
You want to get rid of the dust mites or keep them away. Whenever there is a steam build up in your house, find a way to let it outside as soon as you can. You want to let some dry air come inside. Open some windows, keep the humidity levels low.
Do not reuse vacuum cleaner bags:
Some people reuse vacuum cleaner bags. If they have no allergies and no reactions to dust then maybe it is alright for them to do. However if you suffer from eczema and other atopic allergies you do not want to do this. With a used bag, you will be spinning more dust into the air each time you vacuum. Airborne dust is what you are trying to get away from. You want to use a vacuum with a superior filtering system so that the amount of dust that is blown around the room by the motor is kept to a minimum.
Hang rugs and blankets in the sun:
Dust mites do not like direct sunlight. One method of getting rid of them in small or flat items is to put them in the sun. If you have a fuller item like a stuffed animal or some sort of pillow or cushion then the sun will not help. The mites will burrow deeper into the material, and when it is not so sunny and hot they will come back out to play.
Remove carpets:
If dust mites are causing you problems carpeting does not help you. As you already know, carpets hold a lot of dust. Dust mites will thrive in this environment and while it is not as dangerous as not having your bed covered for dust mites you can still encounter problems as you will breathe in some of the dust that is in the carpet.
Leather upholstered furniture:
Avoid furniture made of porous fabrics. They too will hold dust mites. Seeing that you sit here, this will be more of a feeding ground for dust mites as they are really interested in eating some of the skin that you will shed.
Damp dust regularly:
You will also want to keep your surfaces dust free. Use a damp sponge and wipe up the last of that dust mite containing dust. If you do these things you should have a relatively dust mite free environment.
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